2016年4月17日 星期日

make sentences

(a)It’s (very) a pity that we missed the concert.
(b)His new laptop was broken, really pity!
(a)You should first inquire this company’s working time.
(b)We called the city hall to inquire some things.
(a)The best way to improve Chinese is to speak every day.
(b)I tried all methods still cannot open this box
(a)At present, the only important thing is prepare the test.
(b)They currently live with their relative in Taipei.
(a)I temporally don’t have plan find new job.
(b)She temporally rest because her health not good.
(a)Can you help me solve this Math problem?
(b)The only one person can solve this is my cousin.
The coach encourages players after lost the game.
You absolutely cannot tell her what I said.