2016年3月25日 星期五

Ri 160325 HW3

(1) sentences correction
(2) Map sentences correction

Ri recycle test

go to this link
recycle test
(1) finish the test, practice flash cards first if necessary

(2) after finish test, click "check answers" and your score will show on the top right of the page

(3) make a screen shot or take a picture of your score

(4) show me your score Monday

(5) change test setting on the right side menu, 
Question type--check all box,
Start with--select "both",
click blue button "create new test", then do the test again which means you need to show me 2 scores.

(6) memorize these new phrases--test on Monday.

(7) let me know if you have any questions. Have fun!!

2016年3月24日 星期四

Ri 160325 test

self exam
**write these phrases without looking books
**practice if there is any mistakes
**test again Monday 

1)  therefore
2)  life
3)  once a week
4)  probably
5)  let me feel
6)  place
7)  problem
8)  in middle,between A and B
9)  way, method
10) always
11) have to
12) the future
13) find
14) prepare
15) once in a while
16) drive me home
17) for example
18) discover
19) has never borrowed
20) next to, beside

2016年3月20日 星期日


I've marked all the phrases for you.


电脑:新台币  2000
手机:新台币  500
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Ri 160321 test

1)  should
2)  practice
3)  a week
4)  probably
5)  spend summer vacation
6)  Economics
7)  interesting
8)  and also
9)  dislike
10)        always
11)        have to
12)        the future
13)        find
14)        usually
15)        once in a while
16)        drive me home
17)        however
18)        convenience store
19)        has never borrowed
20)        give it a try

2016年3月13日 星期日

Ri 160314 test

Copy below correct sentences in your notebook. Show me Monday. I believe you need a new notebook.
(1) Students should practice at least few times a week.
(2) We probably will spend summer vacation in India this year.
(3) I like Economics because it's interesting and the teacher also very nice to me.
4) I dislike winter here because I always have to wear many clothes and also it often rains.
5) In the future, I hope I can find a job in a foreign company.
6) After school I usually go home by bus, once in a while my father drives me home. 
7) There isn't any movie theater in my neighborhood, however there are many convenient stores here.
8) She has never borrowed books in this library. Today she'd like to give it a try.

2016年3月4日 星期五

方位 測驗

1)  east
2)  south
3)  west
4)  north
5)  left side
6)  right side
7)  on
8)  under
9)  in front
10) behind
11)  outside
12) inside
13)  opposite
14) next to, beside
15) in middle,
between A and B
16) beneath,

方位 圖片

Say the sentences in RED.
(1)Park is next to the bus station.
(2)Coffee shop is opposite the movie theater.
(3)Library is on the left of supermarket.
(4)Fire station is next to the police station.
(5)Dentist clinic is on the right of cafe.
(6)police station is in front the bus station.
(7)supermarket is opposite the fire station.
(8)bank is behind the hospital.
(9)movie theater is in front the park.
(10)parking lot is between police station and post office.
(11)post office is in front movie theater.

(12)restaurant is opposite the park.