2016年2月19日 星期五
方位 地方...有
pattern : there is....(where) the object/place
object 上/上面
(1) On the tree has a little bird.
(2) On the mountain has few houses.
object 下/下面/底下
(1) under sofa has a pen.
(2) under table has a pair shoes.
object 里/里面
(1) Inside your drawer has what?
(2) Inside his room has many toys.
object 外/外面
(1) outside the house has some flowers.
(2) outside the restaurant has many people.
object 旁/旁边
(1) next to bank has a 7-11.
(2) next to school has 2 bookstores.
object 中/中间
(1) in middle of playground has few students.
(2) in center of building not have swimming pool.
object 前/前面
(1) in front of hospital has few cars.
(2) in front of supermarket not have parking lot.
object 后/后面
(1) behind post office has a park.
(2) behind TV has a picture.
object 上/上面
(1) On the tree has a little bird.
(2) On the mountain has few houses.
object 下/下面/底下
(1) under sofa has a pen.
(2) under table has a pair shoes.
object 里/里面
(1) Inside your drawer has what?
(2) Inside his room has many toys.
object 外/外面
(1) outside the house has some flowers.
(2) outside the restaurant has many people.
object 旁/旁边
(1) next to bank has a 7-11.
(2) next to school has 2 bookstores.
object 中/中间
(1) in middle of playground has few students.
(2) in center of building not have swimming pool.
object 前/前面
(1) in front of hospital has few cars.
(2) in front of supermarket not have parking lot.
object 后/后面
(1) behind post office has a park.
(2) behind TV has a picture.
2016年2月18日 星期四
1) 东
2) 南
3) 西
4) 北
5) 左边
6) 右边
7) 上面
8) 下面
9) 前面
object 上
object 下
object 里
object 外
object 旁
object 中
object 前
object 后
2016年2月14日 星期日
1) always (habit)
He's always late.
I always sleep at 9.
2) always (hobby, liking, keep doing...)
I always like music.
She kept calling me.
3) often
We often chat.
4) often
They often play games.
5) not often
She doesn't read books often.
6) usually (regular, schedule)
I'm usually very busy in the afternoon.
7) sometimes
I sometimes drink juice, sometimes drink tea.
8) sometimes, once in a while
My cousin come to see me once in a while.
9) seldom, rarely
We seldom eat hamburger.
10) never (dislike)
I never wear black clothes because I don't like black.
11) have never done...
She has never seen snow.
12) at usual time, in everyday life
Do you usually listen music?
13) every (year, day, week, weekend, month, times, 2 weeks)
I have homework every day.
My friend exercise every weekend.
14) times (once, twice, few times, many times)
15) How often do you do something?
once a day, twice a week......
How often do you go to the park?
I go fishing once a week.
He cooks few times a month.
He's always late.
I always sleep at 9.
2) always (hobby, liking, keep doing...)
I always like music.
She kept calling me.
3) often
We often chat.
4) often
They often play games.
5) not often
She doesn't read books often.
6) usually (regular, schedule)
I'm usually very busy in the afternoon.
7) sometimes
I sometimes drink juice, sometimes drink tea.
8) sometimes, once in a while
My cousin come to see me once in a while.
9) seldom, rarely
We seldom eat hamburger.
10) never (dislike)
I never wear black clothes because I don't like black.
11) have never done...
She has never seen snow.
12) at usual time, in everyday life
Do you usually listen music?
13) every (year, day, week, weekend, month, times, 2 weeks)
I have homework every day.
My friend exercise every weekend.
14) times (once, twice, few times, many times)
15) How often do you do something?
once a day, twice a week......
How often do you go to the park?
I go fishing once a week.
He cooks few times a month.
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